Chats about PATS
If you have travelled for medical care: join the campaign, spread the word and get involved.
If you have travelled for medical care: join the campaign, spread the word and get involved.
At Cancer Council SA we believe that access to life-saving treatment should not be dictated by where you live. People living in regional and remote South Australia can suffer from serious illness, including cancer that require specialised medical treatment. This can lead to extended periods of time away from family, friends and their local community. This, along with financial pressures adds another layer of worry at a time that is stressful enough.
Cancer Council SA has 30 years’ experience in supporting regional South Australians with affordable accommodation when travelling to Adelaide for cancer treatment. Since that time, we have doubled our accommodation offering and now provide 120 rooms for this purpose.
Cancer Council SA strongly believes in putting people at the heart of their own story. Their stories are unique and shaped by physical, emotional and situational differences, and by collecting individual voices, together we can ensure that we can improve patient care and support across for all South Australians.
You can share your story by completing a short survey, and/or sharing your story by selecting one of the below links.
For people living in regional areas, a cancer diagnosis can present a unique set of challenges. We know that the cost of travel and accommodation in the city, combined with the extra pressure it can place on families, means many regional South Australians may end their treatment prematurely, or may forego treatment all together.
We want to hear from people who have travelled for treatment about what programs work, and what can be improved. Fill in the survey and let us know your experience so we can help improve the support available for people in rural and regional areas.
Have you travelled for medical care from regional South Australia utilising the Patient Assistant Transport Scheme? Are you looking to tell your story to help others navigate the Scheme and improve care and support for all South Australians? We would love to hear from you!
Your voice can help make a change for all rural and remote South Australian’s who need to travel for treatment.
You can tell your story here or upload a short video talking about your experiences.
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