What we do
The amazing work Cancer Council SA is able to do, from prevention and research to support and advocacy, is only possible because of our dedicated community of supporters, fundraisers, staff, volunteers, and researchers.
The amazing work Cancer Council SA is able to do, from prevention and research to support and advocacy, is only possible because of our dedicated community of supporters, fundraisers, staff, volunteers, and researchers.
All of us are going to be affected by cancer at some point in our lives, if we haven’t been already.
But, all of us can make a difference, too.
The amazing work Cancer Council SA is able to do, from prevention and research to support and advocacy, is only possible because of our dedicated community of supporters, fundraisers, staff, volunteers, and researchers.
We’re all in this together. And if we all work together, we can give every one of us a better chance.
It’s all of us against cancer.
We’re working to reduce the impact of cancer for all South Australians.
Almost one in two of us will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85. But all of us can help improve those odds. Whilst our cancer outcomes continue to be amongst the best in the world, by working together we can all play a part in reducing the impact of cancer for all South Australians.
As South Australia’s leading cancer charity, working across every aspect of every cancer, we support families affected by cancer when they need it most, speak out on behalf of the community on cancer issues, empower people to reduce their cancer risk, and find new ways to better detect and treat cancer.
We help people from the point of diagnosis through to their treatment and beyond.
Together, it’s all of us against cancer.
All of us can take steps to reduce our cancer risk. We can all make lifestyle changes today, that will increase chances of preventing cancer later in life.
Discovering the next research breakthrough takes all of us. While we may not all be researchers, we can all support the amazing work they do by making a donation or raising funds.
We’re all in this together. No one should have to face cancer alone, and we can all be there for people affected by cancer. If you have cancer, we’re right here with you.
Facebook: @CancerCouncilSA
Instagram: @cancercouncil_sa
Twitter: @cancercouncilsa
LinkedIn: @cancer-council-sa
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