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Many families choose to collect donations at a memorial service, or at the funeral in lieu of flowers. If this is something you would like us to arrange for you, we can organise complimentary In-memory donation envelopes to be available at the funeral service.

Cancer Council SA will honour and respect your wishes, including if you wish to have your tributes to be used towards a particular type of cancer. Otherwise, donations will be used where they are most needed.

To arrange In-memory envelopes, if the funeral home requires them, please call 1300 65 65 85. Please allow 3-5 business days for delivery in the South Australian metropolitan area.

Funeral service providers

If you are a Funeral service provider looking to order more donation envelope stock, please call our team on 1300 65 65 85 who will be more than happy to help.

Most often, donation envelopes are collected by a Cancer Council SA volunteer from the funeral service provider. We are also able to collect the donations from the next of kin, or any family or friend nominated to collect the donations. You can also use the deposit slip within the pack to deposit cash donations at any Bank SA branch.


Donate In memory

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Set up a page to honour your loved one and share memories.

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Gifts in Wills

A gift in your Will to Cancer Council SA is an incredible legacy of hope that you will leave.

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Funeral collections

Request donation envelopes for a funeral or service.

Order here

Choose where your money goes

We are committed to supporting all South Australians impacted by cancer and are the only organisation that works across every aspect of cancer including cancer  prevention, research, evidence-based information and support. We know that cancer is personal. We understand that for some, there is a desire to choose where your money goes and make a donation to a cancer type that’s important to you. This is where our cancer specific funds are an option for donors.

With your generous support, Cancer Council SA will continue investing in:

  • prevention education to empower people to reduce their cancer risk
  • life-saving cancer research to find better ways to detect and treat cancer
  • essential support including Cancer Council 13 11 20, to ease some of the emotional and practical burden

Together, we can ensure that the future looks brighter for all of us.

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