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Current campaigns / 目前的活动

Bowel Cancer Screening Month / 肠癌筛查月

Downloadable resources / 下载资源

Bowel cancer screening poster(肠癌筛查海报)

Download resource

Brochures and flyers / 手册和传单

Caring for someone with cancer / 照顾癌症患者

Download resource

Bowel cancer screening instructions / 早日发现肠癌可以 挽救您的生命。

Download resource

Cervical Screening Program / 巴氏涂片检查已经改变 更加精确,次数更少

Download resource

Further information can also be found on the Cancer Council Victoria website here. Please note some guidelines and services may not apply or be available in South Australia.
您也可访问维多利亚州癌症委员会网站 搜寻更多信息。请注意,在南澳州,部分指南与服务项目可能不适用或尚未提供

Videos / 影片


注意防晒 Protect yourself in five ways from skin cancer 五种做法,助您远离皮肤癌
Learn more. 了解更多

Sun protection / 防晒




  1. 穿长袖衣物
  2. 佩戴太阳镜
  3. 佩戴太阳帽
  4. 涂抹防晒霜
  5. 寻找遮荫处

Learn more. 了解更多

Have questions? 有更多疑问吗?

If you would like further information or are interested in hosting an information session, please contact us on phone 08 8291 4111 or email If you would like to speak to a Cancer Council nurse in Chinese, you are able to call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask for Cancer Council 13 11 20. 如果您需要以中文与癌症委员会护士沟通,您可通过致电131 450接通翻译与传译服务热线,然后请翻译人员拨打我们的热线13 11 20 如果您希望获取进一步信息,或有兴趣安排宣讲会,请拨打08 8291 4111 或发送电子邮件至 与我们联系

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