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Cancer Council SA Board Chair Karlene Maywald

Board Chair

Committee memberships:
Chair, Nomination, Remuneration and Governance Committee
Member, Investment Committee

The Hon Karlene Maywald is an experienced Chair and non-executive director across a range of industries in both the private and public sectors including six years as a South Australian State Government Minister and three years as Chair of the National Water Commission.

The Hon Karlene Maywald was elected as the representative for the seat of Chaffey in the South Australian House of Assembly from October 1997 until March 2010. She was appointed as a Minister from 2004 to 2010, holding at times the portfolios of River Murray, Water Security, Regional Development, Small Business, Consumer Affairs, Science/Information Economy, and Minister assisting with Industry and Trade.

She also holds many other Board positions, including Chair of WaterAid Australia, the Adelaide Festival Centre Trust and the CRC for Solving Antimicrobial Resistance in Agribusiness, Food and Environments. She is also a Director of WaterAid International and a Fellow of the Academy of Technical Sciences & Engineering (ATSE).