Jacqui and Russell signed up for the Marilyn Jetty Swim with their team, the Blonde Bombshells after watching two of their family members go through a cancer diagnosis. Their hope is to raise funds for the cancer support services that helped make their family’s experiences that little bit easier.
Jacqui’s sister was diagnosed with ovarian cancer 12 years ago and Russell’s mum, Judy diagnosed with breast cancer five years ago – thankfully they are both now living cancer free. Jacqui says both her sister and mother-in-law were so grateful for the care they received while going through treatment.
“To have friends and family go through all that comes with a cancer diagnosis – we would support the cause in a heartbeat. I have done a few fundraisers interstate in the past, but I thought ‘what can we do here in South Australia to make an impact?’” Jacqui says.
It was while searching online for local cancer fundraisers that she stumbled upon the Marilyn Jetty Swim. After convincing Russell to put on a Marilyn wig and glasses, he loved the idea too and they invited work colleagues and gym mates to join their team, the Blonde Bombshells.
“It’s such a great cause and such a fun day for everyone to get involved in. Where else can you dress up as Marilyn and jump in the drink while raising funds and awareness for an amazing cause?” Jacqui says.
“We all have friends and family taken too soon from cancer. I love that fact that everyone’s together and supporting each other. It’s like we’re all one big team.”
“People say to me, I’d be embarrassed to be in a white swimsuit, but it’s not about that. Everyone is there for the one cause, as one team and there’s no judgement.”
This year, the Blonde Bombshells will be participating in the Marilyn Jetty Swim again while rocking their signature red and white spotted headbands to stand out in a sea of Marilyns. Russell’s mum will also be travelling to Adelaide from Cairns to join the Blonde Bombshells for the first time as a Shore Marilyn.
“My hot tip for teams participating in the Marilyn Jetty Swim, is to do something that will make you stand out. Not everybody in our team knew each other when we started out and once you’ve got that blonde wig on it can be hard to tell each other apart – wearing something that distinguishes your team from the rest can help you find each other,” Jacqui says.
Cancer Council SA’s Marilyn Jetty Swim is an iconic part of the annual Channel 7 Brighton Jetty Classic which sees over 600 South Australians swim or paddle 400 metres around Brighton Jetty—dressed head to toe as ‘50s icon Marilyn Monroe.
Join the Blonde Bombshells in this year’s Marilyn Jetty Swim! Register today at themarilyns.org.