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Did you know that nine out of 10 South Australians aren’t eating enough vegetables? This is cause for concern because eating plenty of fruit and vegetables is likely to reduce the risk of cancers of the digestive tract—such as cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, stomach and bowel.

The Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend two serves of fruit and five serves of vegetables each day. We know that eating enough serves of vegetables can be hard to achieve, so we’ve put together our top 5 tips to help you on your way.

5 tips to get more vegetables into your day

1.       Veggie sauces

Adding vegetables to your favourite saucy dishes is a great way to sneak extra servings of vegetables into your day. Some of our favourites include:

  • Grate a carrot or zucchini, or add some cauliflower rice, spinach, mushrooms or celery into any dish that has tomato-based sauces or involves mince—such as spaghetti bolognaise.
  • Add small, diced vegetables such as parsnip, capsicum, pumpkin, broccoli or any green vegetables for some extra colour and crunch to your casserole and curry sauces.

If you’re looking for a recipe to get started, try our delicious spaghetti bolognaise recipe.

2.       Snack on veg

Vegetables are a great snack option and there are so many ways to enjoy them. Why not try:

  • Loading your wholegrain or multigrain crackers with vegetables such as avocado and tomato.
  • Snacking on veggie sticks with hummus, beetroot, tzatziki or other vegetable-based dips.
  • For a snack on the go, why not make some savoury scones or muffins. An added bonus is that they can also be frozen and eaten later.

Why not give our savory muffin, healthy hummus or carrot cake recipes a try!

3.       Add beans and legumes

Don’t underestimate the power of the humble bean and legume! These affordable little additions to any meal are a great way to add some extra vegetables into your day. Here’s how you can include them in some of your meals:

  • Mix up your meals by including a vegetarian meal each week using lentils. It is cheap and nutritious, as lentils are an excellent source of dietary fibre.
  • Add some canned kidney beans, lentils (or other legumes) to curries, stews or mince dishes such as pasta sauces, burritos and tacos to make the meal go further and increase the fibre content. The kids won’t even know!

If you’re looking to try something new with beans and legumes, take a look at our chickpea and roast pumpkin salad, beetroot, pear and lentil salad or vegetable curry recipes.

4.       Mix egg and veg

This combination is a match made in healthy heaven! Not only is this duo delicious, but it’s also another great way to increase your vegetable intake. Here are some of our favourite ways to combine eggs and vegetables:

  • Serving vegetables alongside your cooked breakfast such as avocado, tomatoes, mushrooms and/or spinach is a great way to add extra veggies to your day.
  • Add vegetables to scrambled eggs or omelettes—capsicum, zucchini, tomato, mushrooms, spinach and/or spring onion are always great options.
  • Vegetable quiches, fritters or egg-based fried rice or stir fry are super tasty options for lunch or evening meals.

Check out our delicious veggie fritters and zucchini slice recipes.

5.       Turn your veggies into chips

This is a fun way to add extra vegetables into your day, and it offers a healthier alternative to the traditional potato chip. All you have to do is add spices or herbs and roast your vegetables to turn them into chips, it’s as simple as that.

Sweet potato, parsnip, turnip, carrot, beetroot and kale chips are all healthy options! Pick your favourite spice or herbs—such as ground cumin, curry powder, lemon pepper, garlic powder, rosemary or thyme—and get cooking.

Try our delicious chilli and paprika kale chips recipe to get started.

Looking for more ways to boost your fruit and vegetable intake? Take a look at Cancer Council SA’s range of healthy recipes and high fibre meal plan for inspiration for your next shopping trip to assist to boost vegetable intake.

For more information on diet and cancer, visit the Cancer Council SA website.