We are tough, but no one should have to face cancer alone.
There are 30 new cases of cancer diagnosed in South Australia every day.
Cancer doesn’t know whether you live in a big city or small town. Cancer doesn’t care about your age. Cancer has no regard for the size of your bank balance.
I learnt the harsh reality about cancer in July 2020.
I was feeling pretty fit and strong, I was eating healthy. There was no reason to think the slightly niggling hip injury I was dealing with was anything sinister.
In fact, it was sinister. Very sinister. An MRI scan revealed my increasingly annoying and painful injury in my left hip joint was metastatic aggressive prostate cancer.
At 42 years old, I am on the very young side for a prostate cancer fighter.
I went through six rounds of chemotherapy and 20 doses of radiotherapy.
I will have to stay on a rather unpleasant hormone therapy long term and have a three monthly blood test to keep a close watch.
All this has been tough, and will continue to be tough. But I was lucky enough to live so close to my treatment centre, a few times I walked to my chemotherapy sessions. I was able to stay in the comfort of my home and keep working because it was all so close. I had wonderful support and many medical experts I could turn to for advice.
I was fortunate. Not everyone is so fortunate while dealing with this horrible disease.
Before I had cancer, I knew what Cancer Council SA did. I had covered many stories through my job as a journalist for Nine News, on cancer prevention, fundraisers and research. But now I UNDERSTAND what Cancer Council SA really means to people and their families as they fight for their lives
Cancer Council Nurses are just a phone call away. They provide amazing medical support and advice for free, helping ease the fears that can too often swirl around in your head.
The money raised by Cancer Council SA’s Biggest Morning Tea, Daffodil Day and Ride for a Reason is vital in supporting Adelaide’s medical researchers who are always pushing to find new treatments and new medicines, and the ultimate goal of a cure.
Cancer happened to me, unfortunately, it will happen to other people.
For many years, Cancer Council SA has been providing a home away from home for country South Aussies, who need to be in Adelaide for life saving treatment.
My short but close involvement with Cancer Council SA has allowed me to meet such strong, inspirational, funny, determined people.
The people and their families fighting cancer, teaching me so much about the preciousness of life, how to cherish every moment and never give up hope.
These wonderful people did not deserve cancer. But they do deserve our support to fight and win and stay with their loved ones.
When you drive along Greenhill Road next time, perhaps just pull over at the work site of 202 Greenhill Road.
This spot will soon be Cancer Council’s new home in South Australia.
Inside, cancer research, prevention and support services. Also 120-rooms of comfortable, modern accommodation for country South Australians going through cancer treatment.
We need places like this, we need organisations like Cancer Council SA to keep pushing for better outcomes for South Australians and their families impacted by cancer.
When you support Cancer Council SA in this amazing new project, it is far more than just money for a building.
When I was first diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer I felt so very alone.
Now when I see people joining the fight, I feel supported, I feel people care, I feel the love.
Cancer happened to me. Sadly, it will happen to other people.
But I now have hope that when life gets tough, people will be there to help.
If you have recently been diagnosed with cancer, our Cancer Council Nurses are here to help.
Get in touch today by phoning Cancer Council’s confidential 13 11 20 information and support service or email askanurse@cancersa.org.au.
We are extremely grateful to Will for sharing his story with us. You can show your support for Will and the thousands of South Australians impacted by cancer. Make a donation to our Autumn appeal here.
Download the full version of The Daffodil here