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Over the years, cancer research has come a long way, and a lot of this progress has been made possible because of funds raised through events like Cancer Council’s Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. Ahead of the 2021 event, we sat down with Cancer Council funded Beat Cancer Project researcher Dr Stephanie Reuter Lange to find out just how much of a difference a cuppa can make.

“I’m Dr Stephanie Reuter Lange and I am proud to be a Cancer Council funded Beat Cancer Project researcher.

Every day, I am working to help find new, better and more tailored ways to treat all kinds of cancer to help more people live beyond cancer.
And, it’s only possible because of the support of the South Australian community.

Whilst there have been substantial improvements in the treatment of cancer over the years, it remains that three out of 10 patients will not survive longer than five years, a result of either cancer progression or death from severe treatment-related side effects.

But together, we can change that.

Cancer medicines must be administered at a dose that is enough to treat the cancer, but not too much to cause toxic side effects. While this is well known, most cancer treatments are given as a “one-size-fits-all” amount. Given the large variability in response seen with many cancer medicines, this means that for the same dose some patients are likely to be under-treated and others a likely to be over-treated.

For me, I focus on the concept of dose individualisation. This is all about tailoring the amount of drug administered to each individual patient to maximise tumour response and minimise side effects.

Through this fellowship program with Cancer Council, I am able to use computer-based modelling methods to identify dose individualisation strategies for best treatment practice.

With the support of people like you, events like Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea and every dollar you help raise, it is my hope that my research will help save and change lives by determining the best use of new and existing cancer medicines.

Wouldn’t that be wonderful?

It would mean so much to me, and the 28 South Australians who continue to hear the words “you have cancer” every day, if you would host an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea this year and support a future free from cancer.

Your support would mean so much to so many and will literally change lives.

Make a cuppa for a cause this year and help put a stop to cancer by supporting research like mine.”

Because of research, more people are surviving cancer than ever before. And every day, brilliant Australian researchers are working to unlock more of cancer’s secrets. Register to host a Biggest Morning Tea today to help bring a future free from cancer, closer. Find out more and register today: