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Making a difference

Members of Cancer Council SA’s Bequest Society are unique people.

As a member of the Society, you will be invited to exclusive functions where you can meet and socialise with Cancer Council SA Ambassadors and patrons, as well as others like you who have chosen to remember Cancer Council SA in their Will.

You will hear first-hand how the research and treatment of cancer is progressing, and heart-warming stories from people who have benefited from generous gifts like yours.

As a member of Cancer Council SA’s Bequest Society, you may experience:

  • presentations and updates from some of the country’s leading cancer experts
  • an invitation for you and a guest to exclusive Bequest functions
  • regular news about the research progress being made

Whether you choose to receive this information and attend these events or not is entirely up to you, and your wishes will be respected.

Margaret has left a gift in her will to Cancer Council SA

It is such a rewarding feeling to be able to help others. It gives you a warm feeling in your heart.” – Margaret, Cancer Council SA bequest supporter.

Find out more

If you would like more information about Cancer Council SA's Bequest Society, please contact our Bequests team on 08 8291 4312 or email

Learn more

Cancer Council SA Bequest_A4 Booklet

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