With many Australians still feeling the impacts of COVID-19, Cancer Council’s Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea has never been so important.
Following the tumultuous year that was 2020, distress and isolation challenges have been heightened, especially for people affected by cancer. Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea is a chance for all Australians to come together this May to reconnect and support those affected by cancer.
Whether it is virtually or from across the table, the official day to host a 2021 morning tea is Thursday, 27 May, however, the nation can register to host at any time throughout May or June.
Cancer Council SA Chief Executive Lincoln Size said that it is crucial that the nation rallies behind those in the community affected by cancer and encourages everyone to check in with friends, family and colleagues over a Biggest Morning Tea event.
“This year we encourage the community to host or attend an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea as a way of reconnecting with their community, following the social isolation the pandemic brought,” Mr Size said.
“This connection is particularly important for those affected by cancer, as a recent Cancer Council NSW study published, has revealed an increase in distress levels among callers to Cancer Council 13 11 20 due to the pandemic[1].
“Preliminary results of a national study illustrate that between June and September 2020, over 60 per cent of 683 cancer patients and survivors reported feeling isolated some of the time or often since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic [2].”
The forthcoming Cancer Council NSW study also revealed that 85 per cent of 150 healthcare workers surveyed were concerned that COVID-19 would negatively impact their patients’ mental health, and 34 per cent of carers feared accompanying a relative or friend to hospital or medical treatment during the outbreak.
There is a need to take steps to boost positive emotions to support mental health in cancer survivors, something that’s important for all of us. There are a number of ways to build positive emotions – a cuppa this May and spending quality time with your loved ones is one of them.
Mr Size said Cancer Council is fortunate to receive support from the community through events like Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea and hopes this year’s fundraiser lifts the nation’s spirits.
“Since Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea began in 1994, millions of Australians have come together over a cuppa and a bite to eat in support of those affected by cancer,” he said.
“We have hosts across the country who have supported us for over 28 years and this generosity enables us to continue our work in cancer research, prevention programs, advocacy and support services.”
Participants are encouraged to host Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea their way – whether it’s at home with friends or family, a simple morning tea in the office with workmates, virtually or a gathering in a local community or at school.
This year, Cancer Council hopes to recruit over 20,000 generous morning tea hosts and raise over $7 million nationally to help all affected by cancer right across Australia. All donations fund Cancer Council’s life-saving research, prevention, programs, advocacy and support services.
Host or join an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea this May or June to raise funds for Cancer Council’s life-saving cancer research, prevention, advocacy and support programs. For more information or to register or donate please visit biggestmorningtea.com.au or call 1300 65 65 85.
If you or a loved one needs support following a cancer diagnosis, please call 13 11 20 or visit the Cancer Council SA website.