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About this information

This information has been prepared to help you understand more about grief when someone close to you has died from cancer. Coping with grief doesn’t mean getting over the person’s death. It’s about finding ways to live with the loss.

Everyone’s experience of grief is different, so this information offers a general guide only. While we hope you find this helpful, some sections may stir up a range of feelings. You may like to read the parts that seem useful now and leave the rest until you’re ready.

This information was developed with help from a range of health professionals who provide bereavement support and people who have had someone close to them die from cancer. If you or your family have any questions or concerns, call Cancer Council 13 11 20. We can send you more information and connect you with support services in your area.

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This information is reviewed by

This information was last reviewed October 2023 by the following expert content reviewers: A/Prof Lisa Beatty, Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology and Consulting Clinical Psychologist, Flinders University Institute of Mental Health and Wellbeing, SA; Sandra Anderson, Consumer; Dr Alexandra Clinch, Palliative Medicine Specialist and Deputy Director, Palliative Care, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and Royal Melbourne Hospital, VIC; Christopher Hall, Chief Executive Officer, Grief Australia; Nathan MacArthur, Specialist Grief Counsellor and Accredited Mental Health Social Worker, Sydney Grief Counselling Services, NSW; Linda Magann, Clinical Nurse Consultant – Palliative Care, St George Hospital, NSW; Palliative Care Australia; Richard Upton, Consumer; Lesley Woods, 13 11 20 Consultant, Cancer Council WA.

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