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Useful organisations

Financial help

Cancer Council’s Financial Planning Referral Service Program that can connect you with a financial planner.
Phone: 13 11 20

Financial Information Service (FIS)Free, confidential service from Services Australia.
Phone: 132 300

Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA)Information about financial planning and help to find a financial planner.
Phone: 1300 337 301

Financial Rights Legal Centre Information about a variety of topics related to financial services.

Insurance Law Service (ILS) An insurance help line for consumers.
Phone: 1300 663 464

Mob Strong Debt Help Line Legal advice service about money issues for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Phone: 1800 808 488

MoneySmart Financial tips from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Includes the Financial Advisers Register.
Phone: 1300 300 630 (ASIC Infoline)

National Debt Helpline Help with debt problems and assistance finding a financial counsellor.
Phone: 1800 007 007


Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA) – Information about bankruptcy and personal insolvency agreements.
Phone: 1300 364 785

Dispute resolution

Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) National dispute resolution scheme for all financial services complaints.
Phone: 1800 931 678

Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) – National complaints resolution scheme for phone or internet services.
Phone: 1800 062 058

Government benefits

Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Help with the cost of prescription medicines.
Phone: 1800 020 613

Services Australia Includes Centrelink and Medicare; financial support for people in need.

Legal advice

Cancer Council’s Legal Referral Service Program that can connect you with a lawyer.
Phone: 13 11 20

Community Legal Centres Australia Provides links to local community legal centres across Australia.


Australian Taxation Office Tax and superannuation information for individuals and businesses.
Phone: 13 28 61 (individuals)
Phone: 13 28 66 (businesses)
Phone: 13 10 20 (superannuation)

Featured resource

Cancer and Your Finances

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This information is reviewed by

This information was last reviewed October 2021 by the following expert content reviewers: Rania Tannous, Head of Legal, Corporate, Legal and Governance, AMP; Patricia Troll, Senior Legal Counsel, AMP Financial Services Legal, Legal and Governance, AMP; Lynette Brailey, Program Coordinator, Financial Assistance Service, Cancer Council NSW; Stephen Bray, Financial Planner, FM Financial, TAS; Angela Daly, Senior Social Worker, Cancer Services, The Adem Crosby Centre, Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service, QLD; Sandra Hodge, Consumer; Sandi Johnson, Consumer; Antony Mitchell, Financial Counsellor, Financial Counselling Program, Cancer Council VIC; Lucy Pollerd, Social Worker, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, VIC; Heather Richards, Consumer; Deb Roffe, 13 11 20 Consultant, Cancer Council SA.

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