Exercise and Cancer
About this information
This information has been prepared to help you understand more about exercise, and the benefits of physical activity before, during and after cancer treatment.
We have included tips on getting physically active and preparing for exercise, plus some exercises that you can do at home or with an exercise professional. Before starting any new exercise, it is important to check with your health care team.
We cannot give advice about the best exercise program for you. You will need to discuss this with your doctors and qualified exercise professionals, such as an accredited exercise physiologist or physiotherapist. However, this information may answer some of your questions and help you think about what to ask your treatment team or exercise professional.
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This information is reviewed by
This information was last reviewed August 2023 by the following expert content reviewers: Kirsten Adlard, Accredited Exercise Physiologist, The University of Queensland, QLD; Dr Diana Adams, Medical Oncologist, Macarthur Cancer Therapy Centre, NSW; Grace Butson, Senior Physiotherapist, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, VIC; Kate Cox, 13 11 20 Consultant, Cancer Council SA; Wai Yin Chung, Consumer; Thomas Harris, Men’s Health Physiotherapist, QLD; Clare Hughes, Chair of Cancer Council’s Nutrition, Alcohol and Physical Activity Committee; Jen McKenzie, Level 1 Lymphoedema Physiotherapist, ESSA Accredited Exercise Physiologist, The McKenzie Clinic, QLD; Claudia Marck, Consumer; Dr David Mizrahi, Accredited Exercise Physiologist and Research Fellow, The Daffodil Centre at Cancer Council NSW and The University of Sydney, NSW; Prof Rob Newton, Professor of Exercise Medicine, Exercise Medicine Research Institute, Edith Cowan University, WA; Jason Sonneman, Consumer.