Page Contents
To order hard copy resources order online, or phone SunSmart on (08) 8291 4316. To download resources, click on the resources listed below.
Sun protection times
Sun protection policy implementation times - schools and early childhood centres, preschools and kindergartens
Download PDFHats
SunSmart hat wearing toolkit
The toolkit provides a step by step process and resources to improve SunSmart hat-wearing behaviour and create a proud SunSmart culture. All resources are downloadable.
Small SunSmart Hat-Wearing Toolkit Resource Pack
A small pack of 14 different posters, a pamphlet and magnets designed to improve hat wearing behaviour amongst students and staff in a single-form-entry school. To order your free pack, order online or phone the SunSmart Team on (08) 829 4316. Please note hard copy resources are available to recognised SunSmart schools only.
Large SunSmart Hat-Wearing Toolkit Resource Pack
A large pack of 14 different posters, a pamphlet and magnets designed to improve hat wearing behaviour amongst students and staff in a two or more form-entry school. To order your free pack, order online or phone the SunSmart Team on (08) 291 4316. Please note hard copy resources are available to recognised SunSmart schools only.
How to make your own sunscreen station:
A sunscreen station can help teach children from the age of 3 to apply their own sunscreen, supporting independent SunSmart habits.
SunSquirt sunscreen dispenser
A sunscreen dispenser provides a fun and convenient way for students and teachers to access sunscreen.
Environment (shade)
Generation SunSmart training
Generation SunSmart – online professional development modules.
Generation SunSmart online learning modules are available to offer comprehensive education to students and the community, as well as professional development and training opportunities for educators, school staff, and teachers.
FREE online learning modules are available for:
Sample sun protection policy – primary and combined schools, including OSHC and vacation care
Download resourceThis webpage was last reviewed and updated in January 2024.