Cancer Council SA’s 2025 LGBTIQA+ Community Grants Program for cervical screening self-collection education
Evidence shows that people in LGBTIQA+ communities have lower cancer screening participation rates than the general population, particularly for cervical screening.
Cancer Council SA is excited to offer grants of up to $500 for LGBTIQA+ organisations, community and social groups, and sporting clubs to run an activity or event which increases awareness of self-collection for cervical screening among South Australian LGBTIQA+ people with a cervix aged 25–74, living in South Australia.
The grants program is non-competitive which means each application is assessed as it is submitted.
Who is eligible to apply?
- The grant application must be made by, or on behalf of, a South Australian LGBTIQA+ community group, program, social club, sports club, special interest group or other that is for women and people with a cervix aged 25–74 years.
- The applicant must have suitable public liability insurance and an ABN. If they do not, they must partner with a business or organisation that has both liability insurance and an ABN, and the grant funding will be managed through that organisation.
Who is not eligible to apply?
- Individuals.
- Applicants who are not aged 18 and older.
- Groups and organisations not in South Australia.
- Groups and organisations that are not for LGBTIQA+ people with a cervix aged 25–74, or do not have existing LGBTIQA+ programs/services.
- Groups where most participants are not aged 25–74 or do not have a cervix.
What can the grant be used for?
The grant is to be used for planning, implementing and evaluating an activity or event that increases awareness of self-collection for cervical screening among South Australian LGBTIQA+ people with a cervix aged 25–74. The proposed activity must fall between 1 March and 30 June 2025.
The grant application should demonstrate that the proposed activity/event combines education with creative expression or a recreational activity. It should be engaging, improve awareness, empower LGBTIQA+ individuals, and increase cervical screening knowledge and intent to participate in a way that is fun, engaging, and affirming. While not compulsory, proposed activities that promote and refer participants to SHINE SA’s free cervical screening appointments will be looked upon favourably.
It is mandatory that applicants can demonstrate in-kind support to the proposed activity.
Examples of educational activities could include:
- interactive workshops
- Q&A sessions
- peer-led sessions (Cancer Council SA will provide a guidebook)
- a game, such as a quiz
- other.
Examples of creative expression or recreational activities could include:
- wellbeing activities
- arts and crafts, such as painting, drawing, photography, needlework
- gardening-based activities
- cooking and food
- sports, physical or recreational activities
- game-based activities such as bingo, board games, puzzles, mystery nights/tours
- music, dance, LGBTIQA+ film screenings
- other special interest or cultural activities.
Please direct enquiries about the grant to
Applications close 10 pm, Friday 28 February 2025. Late applications will not be considered.
Further information and criteria
Project proposals that meet the aim of the grant criteria include events or activities that:
1. facilitate interactive discussions, games or activities that improve awareness of the self-collection test, increase intent to screen and empower LGBTIQA+ participants to have a cervical screening test
2. include an element of creative expression or a recreational activity such as:
- wellbeing activities
- arts and crafts
- gardening-based activities
- cooking and food
- sports, physical or recreational activities
- game-based activities
- music, dance, LGBTIQA+ film screenings
- other special interest, or cultural activities.
- Applicants must be 18 years of age or older.
- The grant application must be made by or on behalf of a South Australian LGBTIQA+ community group, program, social club, sports club, special interest group for women and people with a cervix aged 25–74 years.
- The applicant must have suitable public liability insurance and an ABN. If they do not, they must partner with a business or organisation that has both, and the grant funding will be managed through that organisation.
The following groups and organisations are not eligible to apply:
- individuals
- groups and organisations not in South Australia.
- groups and organisations that are not for LGBTIQA+ people with a cervix aged 25–74, or do not have existing LGBTIQA+ programs/services.
- groups where most participants are not aged 25–74 or do not have a cervix.
The proposal must be for projects between 1 March and 30 June 2025.
- To apply for the grant, fill in the online form and attach any supporting documentation.
- Applications close 10 pm, Friday 28 February 2025. Late applications will not be considered.
- The grants program is non-competitive, which means each application is assessed as it is submitted.
- Direct enquiries about the grant to or call 08 8291 4189.
The grant is for $500 ($550 with GST). In exceptional circumstances, a project proposal may have the opportunity to be awarded up to $1,000 (exc. GST). However, this is dependent upon the merit of the project.
- It is not an expectation or requirement to create a new or novel activity if there is an existing activity that people are already coming together for regularly, within the project time frame. For example, a craft group that already meets once a month is welcome to apply for funding to support and extend its activity while combining it with self-collection education.
- Cancer Council SA will provide the relevant information to support education, and appropriate information resources, including resources with gender neutral information and languages other than English, upon request.
- Upon request, Cancer Council SA can attend an activity or event to provide the education component. Attendance of a staff member is dependent upon availability.
- Activities must engage participants in discussion and learning. Providing only written information to participants is not a suitable example of an education activity.
- Activities should enhance participation and engagement and provide a fun, safe, affirming and inclusive environment.
- Activities that will actively promote SHINE SA’s free cervical screening clinic appointments will be looked upon more favourably.
- It is mandatory that the applicant can demonstrate that they are able to provide in-kind contribution towards the activity or event. This could include staff or volunteer time, consumables, use of organisation-owned facilities or venues, or other.
- The proposal may include more than one activity.
- If funds will be used to purchase food, it must be mostly ‘green’ foods and some ‘amber’ foods, as described in the Preventive Health SA food and drink classification guide for South Australia.
- Funds can be used to support or extend existing or ongoing activities run by clubs or social or community groups, such as monthly crafting groups.
- The grant cannot be used for illegal, political or fundraising activities; personal expenses or situations that imply personal use; the purchase of alcohol, tobacco or e-cigarette products; or activities that encourage the use of these products.
Grants will be disbursed in a single payment via bank transfer. Recipients must provide valid banking details for the transfer. The invoice will be paid within 30 days of receiving an invoice.
All grant funds must be expended by 30 June 2025. A final report is due by 31 July 2025, which includes:
- A summary of the grant activities delivered during this project.
- The completed evaluation sheets from participants who attended activity/ies or event/s during the project.
- The number of people who attended the activity/ies or event/s during the project.
- The number of people who booked in for a cervical screening test with SHINE SA, including self-collection, because of this project.
- Any anecdotes or testimonials obtained during the project.
Applicants who do not have public liability insurance should partner with an organisation or business that has liability insurance. Grant recipients must have adequate liability insurance coverage for their activities or events, including public liability insurance, to cover any potential health and safety incidents.